Thursday, July 1, 2010


So it occured to me the other day that Ashlyn sounds a lot like Yoda, or an Indian Chief when she talks. I find it amusing the way the toddler brain puts together thoughts and sentences. Here are some of the cute and funny things she says with the translation:

"Daddy go work"- Daddy is at work

"Banana Butter"- Banana with Peanut Butter

"Cracker Bite Break"- Break the cracker in half with my teeth

"More poop please"- Let's go pick up Bailey's poop in the yard

"Mommy get it"- Go pick it up mommy

"Mimi car please"- Take me to mimi's house in your car

"Bathing Suit" or "Water Shoes"- Let's go to the pool

"Baby paci"- Holding paci up to my tummy for baby to suck on

"Ashlyn toot toot"- I just passed gas

"Bailey pancake?"- Can i throw my pancake on the floor for bailey to eat

The best, and scary part, is that she repeats almost anything we say. So while it's sweet when she says, "home run daddy"......repeating "oh Jesus" or "holy crap" is a little different. Guess we have to start watching everything we say out loud.

Here are some other things Ashlyn is loving this summer:

Walking around in mommy and daddy's shoes
Doing anything and Everything with Papa!!!

Being in the water, and having her first popsicle at Mimi and Papa's house

Patrolling the backyard for dog poo, random I know!!!

Update on me. Here is a picture of me at 28 1/2 weeks (excuse my after exercise look). Ashlyn thought it was funny i was taking picture against the wall, so she kept running over to be next to me. Hence the front shot this time. I'm feeling good, but getting more tired and out of breath each week it seems. The baby feels like it is sitting a lot lower on me, which is an odd and sometimes uncomfortable feeling. My tummy also feels tight, like it is stretching, which i'm sure is from the more rapid growth of the baby. Overall, can't complain though- no major bumps to hurtle thus far.

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