Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 1 in Training

So I can't say "1-2-3 we're trained", but I can say that for 21 months she is certainly getting the hang of it quickly. Pooped in potty all week, although she had already started wanting to do this prior to this week.

Day 2: Peed in chair while neighbors were visiting, I sat her on potty about every hour, peed through her underwear on the potty

Day 3: Peed while standing in kitchen with no warning, sat and peed on potty through her shorts and underwear (was so proud), still not really telling me when needed to go

Day 4: Told me "pee" while dribbling a few drops in her undewear then peed fully on the potty (happened about 3 times)

Day 5: Ran errands and she stayed dry and peed at the store and when got home, only 1 dribble accident

Day 6: Spent whole day in Dayton, told me when had to go and had no accidents

Day 7: Told me when had to go, stayed dry while out and peed at restaurant, Randomly fully peed herself when playing outside just before bath time.

Overall she has the sensation, is telling me, and holding it to make it to the potty. She wakes up from nap dry and goes on the potty. Is in a diaper at night and wakes up very wet. This morning she woke up at 7:20 saying "mommy pee", but had already peed the diaper. We are certainly getting this down though. I have to say....1 week and only about 12 wet pairs of underwear......not horrible.

*Cute side note: She says with a huge smile...."I did it" after everytime she goes and then wants a high five and a hug. (and a piece of candy, haha) I love it!!!!!

1 comment:

Peachy said...

I love her little arm cast! Way to go ashlyn. I think I better get started on this whole thing. UGH!