Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Emotionally Drained!!!

Ashlyn broke her wrist on Friday!

I Was carrying all the laundry upstairs and she wanted to help, I gave her a shirt to carry. I was behind her and all the laundry was falling so I ran up to set it at the top of stairs. As I am walking back to the steps i hear "boom boom boom" and see her land on the step. She fell about 5 steps, not going all the way down to the bottom. I could tell instantly the cry was different and she was holding/not moving her arm. It was more of a shocked look, cry out, then get quiet and looked scared while grabbing her arm. Thank god matt was working from home that day!

Luckily we live right next to the children's hospital, so we were at the hospital right away. They did x-rays and found that both bones in her wrist were broken. The one was a clean break, but the other bone was over and down a bit so it would have to be set. Their orthopedic team couldn't see her that day so they sent us to the downtown hospital.

She was such a trooper! They put in her IV shortly after we arrived and then played for an hour while we waited for the ortho team. Watching her be put under was the scariestand hardest thing i've seen. We had to leave the room right after, and it looked like she was lifeless on the table. Both Matt and I had to keep ourselves together! She was totally drugged and out of it for awhile when she came too, which was hard to watch also. Overall just not a fun experience!

She's in a temporary cast until Wednesday and then hopefully we get a permament one. They said it would be 3-6 weeks if all goes well. We can't go to the pool, and she's lost a lot of her independence, needing me to help with getting into a chair/ect. I can't seem to get over this horrible guilt that this is all my fault. I am a 7 month pregnant, emotional mess.
Thankfully I know she doesn't really remember the incident, and she is quickly adjusting to life with one arm, but it makes me so sad for her.

To make it all worse, she choked on half a grape yesterday and i had to swoop it out of her throat (first time i've ever had to do that). I just started bawling and said, "I can't handle this"! I need a 15 hour nap, a drink, and a normal day!

Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers during this ordeal.


Katie said...

I am sooooo sorry Linds!!!! Phil fell off a bed at 5 months and broke his arm. His mom says everyone looked at her strange in public! :( Hang in there. You need a BIG hug. On a side note, Ashlyn could not be any cuter in those pics.....

Peachy said...

OMG Linds! Rhett fell down porter's parents' stairs last week and busted his lip- I can't imagine what you are going through! But it happens--we just got lucky. Hang in there! Just the heartache of watching her go under I am sure was enough. I wish I could help somehow! She is cuter than when she left Texas. Call u soon.