Monday, July 12, 2010

Planes and Potties

We had a fun playdate with our new friends Rylee and Parker last week. It was our first trip to the Dayton Air Force Museum. Ashlyn liked running around more than anything, but it was a fun day out. Hoping to go back on a day when it isn't pouring out so that we can walk through some of the Air Force One Planes.

We started Day 1 of potty training today. My intent is to not leave the house for about 3 or so days and see how well we can conquer this new challenge. She has shown a lot of interest in the potty and tells me when she is going to the bathroom, so figured with #2 on the way, I should hop on board and try this.
We've been talking about saying bye bye to diapers all weekend, and bought "big girl underwear" to get her excited. We went the no pants route. Wore only a shirt and big girl undies all day. I would sit her on the potty about once every 30-45 minutes to try also. We only had 3 accidents, the first time she was standing on the stool by the potty....second was sitting in her booster seat for lunch and she goes "pee peeing"......the last time she sat on her little potty with her underwear on and went (oops) HA HA! We did not have any accidents after nap time from 3-8:00 and she went pee on the potty about 4 times in that span. She'd say "good job Ashlyn" smiling HUGE and then "flush pee pee down potty". Rewarded with a piece of candy each time she went in the potty. I am very very impressed.

Hoping day two brings more of her telling me she has to go, instead of sitting her down or asking and then she does it. I think she's catching on quickly though, and this might not be too crazy difficult. Don't plan on leaving the house in big girl undies anytime soon though, baby steps!

1 comment:

Peachy said...

I love it. I started that with Rhett, although he is terrified of the potty and asks to stand up in the bathtub instead? AAHHH girls seem so much easier!!!!! I love the orange cast too!