Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daddy's Favorite

We celebrated Matt's 2nd Father's Day, and his last as a dad with only one child. We sent him to the Red's game the weekend before with all of his friends for a daddy's day out. Unfortunatly it was a super hot day and the Red's lost,but it was his first time going to a game this year so it was appreciated. Not sure how ready daddy is for life with 2, but he has been nothing short of amazing being a dad to 1 little girl! Ashlyn adores him, loves helping him get ready for work in the morning, rides on his back, points out every car she sees that looks like daddy's, ect.

I think Dad's with their daughters is the cutest, sweetest thing ever! Happy Father's Day Matt!

Last Summer

This Summer

Ashlyn is 21 Months today. Scary to think how close she is to turning 2, which means #2 is also not too far from joining the family. WHERE does the time go?!??!?! Here she is hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's bed this morning, and being a "Big Girl" sitting at the bar.

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