Thursday, June 4, 2009

I wish she knew....

Have been missing my mom a lot this week. I have this overwhelming urge to call and talk to her. The reality of forever sinks in more and more everyday, and makes me very sad. I talk to her in heaven all the time, but if I could call her I would tell her:

  • When I walked into Ashlyn's room on Tuesday, she was sitting up in the crib. Guess it is time that we lower the mattress.
  • In the last few days Ashlyn has started to quickly maneuver from a sitting position to being on all fours. She looks like she's going to crawl, then plops down.
  • Blew up the baby pool, Ashlyn wanted to chew on the pool and was making fart noises on it. Made me laugh!
  • Took Ashlyn to the pool when it was so hot Tuesday. She fussed for a second cause the water was cold and then loved splashing her hands in the water. She likes when i hold her better than using the crab float.
  • Ashlyn opens and closes her hands, I am trying to get her to relate the motion to saying hello and goodbye. Don't think she's getting it!
  • Still working on saying "Dada". She is saying just about every syllable but her D's.
  • Her top 2 teeth are really showing now, and the next 2 are clearing coming through also.
  • Lisa told me a way to start weaning Ashlyn off her 5am feeding. Every night I pull her off one minute earlier. After i get passed 1 minute, i'll come in and just put her pacifier in. Fingers crossed it goes well, would be nice to not have that early morning wake up call anymore.
  • We've been trying more table food. She loves her puffs! Guess i'm not supposed to give her strawberries, but she likes them and luckily didn't have a reaction to it.
  • I'm excited because Carla is coming back to visit for a night. We are going to go to the Reds/Cubs game Friday night.
  • I MISS YOU so very very much!!!!!
Here are a few pics of our fun times this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Lindsey!!!