Thursday, June 25, 2009

9 Months

9 Months, gosh, where does the time go! We had her 9 month check up on Wednesday. Everything went really well. She came in at.... weight: 19 lbs 9 oz. height: 27 1/2 inches. She did really well with her toe prick and 1 immunization, and her iron levels came out perfect. The nurse practitioner did some fine motor skills activities with her and she registerd as Exceptional. She actually performed one thing the nurse said she's never seen a 9 month old do. Doesn't mean anything except that she is good with her hands and has good hand eye coordination, said Ashlyn will probably be more curious and into things. AWESOME, but i'm not surprised!!!

My new nickname for Ashlyn is "Trouble". Everytime I look over she is getting into or crawling towards something she shouldn't. I always say, "uh comes trouble"! We have surely ventured into the world of mobility and understanding. It has become obvious that the word NO (said frequently) is registering with her. Unfortunately after I say it and take the object away, she smiles at me like, that was fun let's do it again!
Check out the Shutterfly link for a whole album of photos from here 8th month. And here is my little Rascal causing all sorts of Trouble!

Trying to Play on the Hearth.


Blowing Rasperries on anything she can.

Making noise with the door stoppers.

Pulling herself up on anything and everything.

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