Monday, June 22, 2009

Fab Father's Day Weekend

Weekend started off great with a fun play date at Angie's house. A Hot and muggy June day calls for getting wet. Ashlyn was a bit of a fuss butt until the water warmed up, but she eventually got over it and enjoyed the refreshingly cool baby pool, and the company.

That night we went and had a tasty dinner at Flavors. One of our favorite local eateries.

Saturday Aunt Ashley and Uncle Nick came for a fun overnight visit. We went to the pool, grilled out, made mom's potato salad, and played some Gin 13. My little "silly monkey" was showing off how fast she could crawl, and learned how to wave to uncle Nick.

Father's Day was a jam packed day. Started off with some yummy waffles for daddy. Then we went to the Benham/Smith family reunion at the Beck Farm. As usual, beautiful setting, fabulous food, homemade ice cream, and family fun. It was a warm day, but still great to be outside and be with extended family. After the reunion, stopped by Matt's parents house for more Father's day fun. Overall a really great day of family time!

Here are a few recent pictures of Daddy and Ashlyn. Happy 1st Father's Day Matt!

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