Monday, December 28, 2009

Monkey See Monkey Do

Before I get into the "oh so long" post I will have about Christmas, I had to post a few pictures of our most recent doings. Ashlyn has always shown interest in climbing onto stuff but just couldn't quite get onto the couch or kitchen chairs. Well in the last few weeks that has quickly changed. We can not only pop right up on the kitchen table, but we ONLY want to sit at the big girl table now. Thank goodness for distractions and a short attention span. My little monkey is a climber.

Ashlyn loves tomatoes...but we have a new love, salsa. As if she doesn't look it, she truly is Matt's daughter!

Friday, December 18, 2009

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Visit with Santa

So our visit went a little something like this......

First, there was suprisingly no line- awesome! I walk Ashlyn up to Santa as she proceeds to hang onto my arm as hard as possible and goes, "uuuuuhhhhh" in a scared silly tone. Being the nice mommy, I did not sit her on his lap and walk away. I sat down next to santa while she looked back at him scared for her life then jumping up clinging to mommy. He handed her a bendable reindeer, which went straight to her mouth to chew on. Finally Matt came over to rescue her off my lap and santa kindly (but grumpily, as seen to the left) stood up for one last picture. Poor little girl about had a heart attack.
As we left we sat Ashlyn in front of santa land for a picture. Once she realized the world of amazement around her she jumped up smiling and started running from christmas tree, to gingerbread man, to each fake candy toy. Finally running out into the hall to wave at everyone as they walked by. Suck a stinker, guess Santa's workshop is just way more exciting this year.

Such a cutie in Christmas Red!

Monday, December 7, 2009

14 Months

I forgot to post Ashlyn's 14 Month update after Thanksgiving. Ashlyn has always been a lap baby, and loves being close to people. It seems like lately she is even more fond of sitting in your lap for story time and constantly running over for a hug or to be held. I do not mind one bit, I love smothering her with hugs and kisses every chance I get.

She has started crying or getting upset when Matt or I leave without her, even if it's just to run outside. Still no stranger anxiety though, she talks/waves/goes to anyone who will let her. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing!

Ashlyn is also starting to repeat a lot of what we say. She doesn't always get the whole word out, but I can understand what she is saying. Like for yogurt she says, 'yu", and Zeke (the neighbors dog) she goes "eee". She'll stare at my mouth while I talk and then repeat the inflection of my voice and try to repeat it. She can also put 2 words together like, "Hi, Bai-yee" (for Bailey) It's fun and super cute.

We had our first snow fall this morning, which means winter is officially here. Going to have to find some new activities to fill the attention span of a 14 month olds time with. Ideas????

On a side note, we have the house all decorated for Christmas. I am so proud of our tree. We got a killer deal on it at the end of last season. 9 ft. pre-lite tree for only $150. Woo Hoo!!! Makes the living room feel cheerful and homey.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giving Thanks

We have so much to be Thankful for this year. Our happy and healthy beautiful daughter. Our health, our family, our home, and so so much more. We spent our first England Thanksgiving in NYC this year, creating new memories, but not forgetting or loving the old ones. Enjoy the photo highlights of our quick trip to New York City!

Thanksgiving started with the Macy's Day parade. Matt and Ashlyn are in awe of the huge balloons.

Even with the ladder we couldn't see much more than the balloons floating through the air. It is quite a site to see.

Our first time Brining the turkey. It was salty, moist and delicious!

The family enjoying a feast the pilgrams would be proud of!

Nothing like some hugs from Madison to top off an amazing meal!

Uncle Matt makes a really good pajama party wrestler.

Friday afternoon we meet up with our friends Andrew (matt's college roommate) and his wife Crista for some yummy BBQ.

At the end of it all there is nothing like heading back home. Sometimes I am the most thankful for my own pillow and bed to sleep in.

Our trip also included a late night visit to the Rockefeller Tree, checking out the department store christmas windows, a little shopping and a broadway show. I forgot my camera that night though...bummer! We already miss everyone, but luckily will see the family again in a few shorts weeks for Christmas!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

No she Didn't!!!

Following up on my love of Cell phone post below. My daughter called 911 this week!!!!!

Every now and then I give Ashlyn the home phone to play with. She likes to push the buttons and hits the ring button a bunch. Well it was about 7:45am on Tuesday and there is a knock at the door. I look over and see a cop standing there. I pick up ashlyn and go to the door. This is what unfolded:

Cop:We got a 911 call from this residence. The dispatcher said she could hear a child babbling in the background. Did you have a child playing with the phone?

Me: Oh my gosh, yes, she had the home phone. I am so sorry!

Cop: Is there another child in the house?

Me: No, just her?

Cop: Wow, that is really impressive. I'm impressed she was able to call us.

Me: I don't know that impressive is the word I would use, I am so sorry!

Cop: Don't worry about it, happens on all the time. Have a good day.

Guess the pediatrician wasn't joking when she said Ashlyn was exceptional with her fine motor skills. I officially have a little trouble maker on my hands. Why do I feel like this is not the only time the cops are going to be visiting my home in the future.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cell phone madness

Not going to lie, the last week or so has been a tough one. A wave of sadness came over me that I really could not explain. I think most of it has to do with the fact that Ashlyn is starting to become much more independent and test her boundaries. She gets frustrated easily, knows what she is and is not supposed to do....then does it anyway, and is acting out more. I know it is all part of her little mind growing and gaining knowlegdge, but some days it is hard. Makes me miss my mother terribly. I could always vent to her, or get words of wisdom. Luckily I have the most amazing neighbor and mommy girlfriends who picked me up, listened to me cry, and gave hugs on those sad days and kept me going. Thank you!!!!

Side note: I think my daughter loves cell phones!

Girls Got Attitude in her walk

What girl doesn't need 3 phones

In the End, she always is my cheerleader for life

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ashlyn had her first experience trick or treating! We babysat swapped with my sister in law. We watched their 4 kids Friday while they went to their Halloween party, and then they took Ashlyn on Saturday. Ashlyn and Molly rode in the double stroller to trick or treat while the 3 boys ran up to the door. I think the little ones only lasted about 30-45 minutes. They all looked so cute. I just can't stop squeezing and loving on my little ducking, she's quack-tastic!

As for Matt and I....we had a good time at our Halloween party as well. 4 of our friends dressed up at characters from Spaceballs. Matt was Colonel Sanders, I was Princess Vespa, then we had Dot Matrix and Barf. As always, it was a very fun night on the town. I love love love Halloween and am sad it's over for another year.

First trip to Kings Island

We spent the Sunday after Halloween at Kings Island to celebrate Matt's mom's birthday. It was a perfect, cool, fall day. Ashlyn only went on a few rides, but mommy and daddy did the Diamondback. It was insane, and I honestly couldn't catch my breath on the first 2 drops. I was numb, but it was very smooth and tons of fun. Hopefully we'll get to take Ashlyn there a lot next summer.

My little helper

Ashlyn's new favorite thing is to help put clothes in and out of the dryer. I'm not going to complain, who doesn't love extra hands!
This is what I saw when i looked out the window last week. It was breathtaking, the hill was lit up with color and sunshine! This has been one of the most beautiful falls in years. Gorgeous!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friends old and new

We got another chance to visit our bestest friends, Stephanie and Addie, in Bristol, TN. After our shorterened trip last year (due to an appendix rupture) we wanted to spend a little more quality time with our girls. Ashlyn and I got up and on the road very early both ways for the 6 hours trip. Thankfully for mommy, Ashlyn slept the whole entire way there and back.

We had big plans for a fall visit to TN. We were going to go hiking on the appalachian trial, visit the pumpkin patch and more fun outdoor activities. Unfortunately, it poured down rain from the time we arrived till we left. If you are going to be stuck inside for a few days, you at least hope it is with good friends.
The girls seemed to have a great time together. Ashlyn and Addie learned about sharing toys, and Ashlyn tried giving lessons on how to walk and try new foods. We attempted, to no avail, to get some cute Halloween shots.

We are blessed with some adorable and fun little girls, and it was so great catching up with them again.


As for New friends. We have a new addition in the Bayer Household. My dog Bailey has made her long overdue appearance in our house. We finally moved Bailey out of my parents house and into ours. She is doing well and slowly adjusting to life without naps on the couch, getting carrots all day long, and the freedom to go in and out the back door whenever she wants. Instead she is being chased around and tormented by a toddler.....poor dog!! Makes for easy clean up after meal time though:) Ashlyn absolutely loves her and is already saying her name, so we know there are many fun years of memories to come from her officially joining our family.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Falling for Fall

This is by far one of my FAVORITE times of year. And what a gorgeous fall this is turning out to be. The leaves are bright yellow, red, and orange. We've had some unseasonally warm days, and some very chilly days but frequent bright blue (not a cloud in the skies) days. Pumpkins, Seasonal decorations, Halloween, cooler weather, and so much more. What a great, and beautiful, time of year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Worn thin

Been forever since I got on to blog. I know we all have times when we life gets crazy busy but exhaustion is more of my excuse. Chasing after a toddler all day, trying to clean house and organize, got a head cold, traveling on the weekends = mommy being exhausted at the end of the day and not wanting to plop in front of the computer.

I have tons to blog about, but will go to our recent biggest adventure. We DID it!!! We walked 28 miles for the Avon Breast Cancer walk in NYC. Our team, The Whole Kit and Kaboodle, raised over $24,000 dollars. Wow, what an amazing feat in these economic times. Friends, family, and others came through to make our fundraising effots a huge success.

We got into the city on Friday afternoon and headed over to the check in. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the park then headed home for a homemade dinner by liz. YUM! Got up and out the door by 6:00 on Saturday. Shed a tear or two during the emotional opening ceremonies and then hit the road. We walked from 6:45 till 2:00, doing 17 miles. We went 4 miles over the required 13 because we wanted to walk the Brooklyn Bridge. It was totally worth it, such a cool view of the city. They have rest stops and you stop for lunch along the way. I think over 4,000 people walked that day, it was an amazing site to see the sea of pink.

Got home and did foot massages and took a rest. Then headed out for a nice dinner, done my brandon and liz. We got up and out the door around 8:00 the next morning and walked 11 miles that day. It was gorgeous fall weather, a perfect day to walk through the city.

The walk through the finish line was emotional and exhilirating. What an awesome experience we accomplished together as a family. It is a memory I will cherish forever, and know mom would be SOOOO proud of us. I am also proud of me, and hope the continue walking and doing my part for many years to come.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love love love!!!

That is how I feel about my beautiful little girl, and also how much I love her 1 year portraits. Wanted to share because they turned out sooo cute!