Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friends old and new

We got another chance to visit our bestest friends, Stephanie and Addie, in Bristol, TN. After our shorterened trip last year (due to an appendix rupture) we wanted to spend a little more quality time with our girls. Ashlyn and I got up and on the road very early both ways for the 6 hours trip. Thankfully for mommy, Ashlyn slept the whole entire way there and back.

We had big plans for a fall visit to TN. We were going to go hiking on the appalachian trial, visit the pumpkin patch and more fun outdoor activities. Unfortunately, it poured down rain from the time we arrived till we left. If you are going to be stuck inside for a few days, you at least hope it is with good friends.
The girls seemed to have a great time together. Ashlyn and Addie learned about sharing toys, and Ashlyn tried giving lessons on how to walk and try new foods. We attempted, to no avail, to get some cute Halloween shots.

We are blessed with some adorable and fun little girls, and it was so great catching up with them again.


As for New friends. We have a new addition in the Bayer Household. My dog Bailey has made her long overdue appearance in our house. We finally moved Bailey out of my parents house and into ours. She is doing well and slowly adjusting to life without naps on the couch, getting carrots all day long, and the freedom to go in and out the back door whenever she wants. Instead she is being chased around and tormented by a toddler.....poor dog!! Makes for easy clean up after meal time though:) Ashlyn absolutely loves her and is already saying her name, so we know there are many fun years of memories to come from her officially joining our family.


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