Monday, October 19, 2009

Worn thin

Been forever since I got on to blog. I know we all have times when we life gets crazy busy but exhaustion is more of my excuse. Chasing after a toddler all day, trying to clean house and organize, got a head cold, traveling on the weekends = mommy being exhausted at the end of the day and not wanting to plop in front of the computer.

I have tons to blog about, but will go to our recent biggest adventure. We DID it!!! We walked 28 miles for the Avon Breast Cancer walk in NYC. Our team, The Whole Kit and Kaboodle, raised over $24,000 dollars. Wow, what an amazing feat in these economic times. Friends, family, and others came through to make our fundraising effots a huge success.

We got into the city on Friday afternoon and headed over to the check in. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the park then headed home for a homemade dinner by liz. YUM! Got up and out the door by 6:00 on Saturday. Shed a tear or two during the emotional opening ceremonies and then hit the road. We walked from 6:45 till 2:00, doing 17 miles. We went 4 miles over the required 13 because we wanted to walk the Brooklyn Bridge. It was totally worth it, such a cool view of the city. They have rest stops and you stop for lunch along the way. I think over 4,000 people walked that day, it was an amazing site to see the sea of pink.

Got home and did foot massages and took a rest. Then headed out for a nice dinner, done my brandon and liz. We got up and out the door around 8:00 the next morning and walked 11 miles that day. It was gorgeous fall weather, a perfect day to walk through the city.

The walk through the finish line was emotional and exhilirating. What an awesome experience we accomplished together as a family. It is a memory I will cherish forever, and know mom would be SOOOO proud of us. I am also proud of me, and hope the continue walking and doing my part for many years to come.

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