Monday, December 7, 2009

14 Months

I forgot to post Ashlyn's 14 Month update after Thanksgiving. Ashlyn has always been a lap baby, and loves being close to people. It seems like lately she is even more fond of sitting in your lap for story time and constantly running over for a hug or to be held. I do not mind one bit, I love smothering her with hugs and kisses every chance I get.

She has started crying or getting upset when Matt or I leave without her, even if it's just to run outside. Still no stranger anxiety though, she talks/waves/goes to anyone who will let her. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing!

Ashlyn is also starting to repeat a lot of what we say. She doesn't always get the whole word out, but I can understand what she is saying. Like for yogurt she says, 'yu", and Zeke (the neighbors dog) she goes "eee". She'll stare at my mouth while I talk and then repeat the inflection of my voice and try to repeat it. She can also put 2 words together like, "Hi, Bai-yee" (for Bailey) It's fun and super cute.

We had our first snow fall this morning, which means winter is officially here. Going to have to find some new activities to fill the attention span of a 14 month olds time with. Ideas????

On a side note, we have the house all decorated for Christmas. I am so proud of our tree. We got a killer deal on it at the end of last season. 9 ft. pre-lite tree for only $150. Woo Hoo!!! Makes the living room feel cheerful and homey.

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