Following up on my love of Cell phone post below. My daughter called 911 this week!!!!!
Every now and then I give Ashlyn the home phone to play with. She likes to push the buttons and hits the ring button a bunch. Well it was about 7:45am on Tuesday and there is a knock at the door. I look over and see a cop standing there. I pick up ashlyn and go to the door. This is what unfolded:
Cop:We got a 911 call from this residence. The dispatcher said she could hear a child babbling in the background. Did you have a child playing with the phone?
Me: Oh my gosh, yes, she had the home phone. I am so sorry!
Cop: Is there another child in the house?
Me: No, just her?
Cop: Wow, that is really impressive. I'm impressed she was able to call us.
Me: I don't know that impressive is the word I would use, I am so sorry!
Cop: Don't worry about it, happens on all the time. Have a good day.
Guess the pediatrician wasn't joking when she said Ashlyn was exceptional with her fine motor skills. I officially have a little trouble maker on my hands. Why do I feel like this is not the only time the cops are going to be visiting my home in the future.
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