Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend started off with a really "Good Friday". Matt's parents came down to Cincinnati to help with some projects around the house and then we took Ashlyn to visit the zoo. It was her first time, and she loved seeing all the animals. A lot of the animals were being lazy and sleepy, bummer, but she still saw a good amout in our hour and 1/2 visit. The Bears were definitely her favorite. She was waving at them and saying hi. Followed closely by the monkeys, a girl who takes after her momma. I got a seasons pass, can't wait to taking her back and hopefully see and do more each time we go.

First Visit to the Zoo
Ashlyn Loves the Bears

What a bunch of Monkeys!

Wasn't really sure how Easter would pan out this year. I've been through a whirlwind of emotions over the last week. Am feeling better from my morning sickness, loving the abnormally warm weather, getting out and excercising more, BUT the overwhelming fact that it's been a year since losing mom is a constant pang on my heart. It's hard not to relive that day over and over in my mind, and think about all she's missed over the past year. As peaceful as mom's death was, watching someone take their last breath is a very tough memory. She told us the day before Easter that she wasn't afraid to die, and believed she would have everlasting life with the Lord. I know that is true, and that brings me TRUE comfort and peace in her going to be with God. It will always makes Easter day a hard/yet beautiful day for me. How holy to die on Easter day. I miss you so much mom, not sure how this hole in my heart will ever be filled!

Ashlyn wore her same dress from last year, a gift from my mom, for Easter Sunday. She looked so cute and it was a gorgeously sunny Sunday. We started off the day sitting on the porch watching Ashlyn go through her Easter basket. Then headed up to Dayton for church and brunch with Matt's family. Ashlyn got in a good nap (which gave me time to visit mom) before all the cousins came for a fun Easter hunt. We sat outside enjoying the rest of the glorious afternoon watching the kids run around and play. Dad came over to enjoy a nice light dinner with us before we headed back to Cincinnati. It was a great day full of family, food, and Love!

Could she be any more ADORABLE in her Easter Dress with her basket?!?!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I was thinking about you this past weekend. HUGS! You AND Ashlyn look beautiful in your Easter dresses (your mom picked out yours as well, right?). Glad you are feeling a bit better. I know your mom is watching daily and enjoying seeing Ashlyn grow, you expect #2, and everything else!!!!