My little cutie pie is as active as ever. I think she would spend all of her time outside if possible. She is still talking up a storm, often puzzling me as to what she is saying, but with the help of pointing i usually figure it out. She has also started to do imaginative play. She will sit at the her play table and pour herself a cup of tea and then just chitter chatter. I see many tea parties in our future. April was a fun month of getting out and about to discover new things. I think May will bring many more new opportunities and adventures!
Had my Big ultrasound today. We stuck it out and DID NOT find out the sex of the baby. Was tough when the tech told us she definitely knew what it was. Asked if we wanted to see that region so we could make our own guess but we decided not too. Going to be a long 4 1/2 months. The baby was not overly cooperative today either. Didn't move around a whole lot, and kept putting it's arm in front of the face. From the front the baby does look like it has the Bayer face. Puffy little checks and a defined chin.....oooh so cute! Can't wait to meet the little one in person.
As for me, here is my 19 week belly. I am definitely a lot bigger this time around. I compared it to last time and it looks like my 22 week picture. Even scarier was that I measured at 22 1/2 weeks today. Last time i always measured 2 weeks small, so it's scary to think i'm measuring 3 weeks big. Maybe that means it's a boy, or it means i'm going to be a House. Eeeeekkk!!
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