Tuesday, April 20, 2010

When you *Wish* upon a star

So the Big 30th birthday is right around the corner. Matt asked me yesterday what i would like for my birthday. I am already getting everything i want this year..... A trip to TX to visit my girlfriends and a 30th birthday party. So really, I am happy. He proceeds to tell me that he knows i'll be sad if I don't have anything to open on my birthday so I need to think of something. Unfortunately my wish list is in all honestly, a "Wish" list. So if money or reality wasn't an object, this is what my list would look like.

30th Birthday Wish List

*A swingset for the backyard- mommy would love it if she didn't have to walk all the way to the playground everyday!

*New Spring/Summer clothes- umm, my tummy is growing everyday and I sure as heck don't want a whole new wardrobe of maternity outfits.

*A Volvo station wagon-yes I want to be "that" mom.

*Another trip to the beach- who doesn't love a beach getaway!

*Housekeeper- oh wait, that's me, I just don't get paid to do it.

*My Mom back- I know i'm retarded, but it is a WISH list!

*Date night once a month- hahaha, laughing as I type. What's date night?!?!

*Pregnancy massage - ok, so this one is feasible but i ask for it every year.

*Get to know the sex of Baby Bayer #2- I'm actually ok with not knowing, i just think sitting at the ultrasound next week and not being told might kill me!

*Have the baby on Sept 18- so I know this is 100% out of anyone's control, but would be so cool to have the baby on mom's birthday!

All in all, I have to say i've always looked forward to turning 30. I picture my 30's to be some of the best memories of my lifetime. Don't need material things, just thankful i'll get to be surrounded byfamily and friends who want to celebrate life with me!!

For fun, here is ashlyn doing a somersault. She's pretty good at it actually!!!!
All lined up and ready to go....
Doing it over and over again, laughing all the way!

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