Thursday, August 6, 2009

We ventured South!

We had a great visit to South Carolina. Was a bridesmaid in Nicola's wedding, so we planned a little getaway around the wedding. Ashlyn had her first trip to the beach. She only lasted about 45 minutes, but overall did really well. She was the happiest when we held her hands and let her walk through the water. Otherwise she just wanted to eat the sand. I think she got my native blood, she is just about as tan as me without even being in the sun. We even got to have a quick lunch visit with Addie and Steph.

The wedding was a lot of fun. Nicola looked absolutely gorgeous! Saw all of my old roommates and lots of Clemson grads. Haven't been a guest at a wedding in a long time, it was fun to shag, have a few beers, and let loose! Made me miss SC a lot, nothing better than southern hospitality. Check out more pictures on the Life with Ashlyn link.

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