Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Wow, we are into everything these days. Now that she can walk with support around the house, nothing is out of reach. She pulls everything off desks, tables, and is opening all the doors and drawers. Crazy how one day your life just changes. My new favorite phrase is "Ashlyn, No". She would much rather hold our hands and walk then crawl if the opportunity exists. Is still a bit apprehensive to let go of my hands and try to stand alone, but she gets a little braver and faster every day.My little baby isn't a baby anymore.

She LOVES going up and Down the Stairs. Speed crawls over to it and goes right up them. If i don't get there fast enough, she's already a few steps up, laughing the whole way! Baby Gate is on the shopping list this week.

Oh, and she is part Beaver. We put the Gummy Rail along the crib when we noticed she was chewing on it. Look at what she did to the exposed area on the side of her crib. Guess I need more Gummi Rail.

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