Saturday, August 29, 2009

11 Months

We are weeks away for the big 1st birthday. I know everyone always says they grow up quickly, but the last 5 months have seriously flown by. Guess mobility does in fact make your life move a little faster. The 10th month was full of fun. First beach trip, lots of assisted walking, understanding of conversation, pointing, and as always...... lots of big dimple smiles.

I know this last month will bring even more words, understanding, and enjoyment. And mommy is planning away for the 1st Birthday. Theme is picked, and invitations are sent out. Also have 1 year portraits set up, and her 12 month check up. Fun fun fun!

Our first week being 11 months has already brought some new things. We starting clapping and bouncing to music, and we had our first Bengals football game. She was a bit squirmy but overall did a really good job sitting through 3 quarters.

Trying to enjoy our last days of summer. Kids have all gone back to school and the neighborhood has gotten quite. Fall, and cool weather will be here before we know it!

Good Bye 10 months.....Hello 11! Our Beautiful Ashlyn
(This is a pro picture taken by a girl who's wedding I worked last year)

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