Saturday, August 29, 2009

11 Months

We are weeks away for the big 1st birthday. I know everyone always says they grow up quickly, but the last 5 months have seriously flown by. Guess mobility does in fact make your life move a little faster. The 10th month was full of fun. First beach trip, lots of assisted walking, understanding of conversation, pointing, and as always...... lots of big dimple smiles.

I know this last month will bring even more words, understanding, and enjoyment. And mommy is planning away for the 1st Birthday. Theme is picked, and invitations are sent out. Also have 1 year portraits set up, and her 12 month check up. Fun fun fun!

Our first week being 11 months has already brought some new things. We starting clapping and bouncing to music, and we had our first Bengals football game. She was a bit squirmy but overall did a really good job sitting through 3 quarters.

Trying to enjoy our last days of summer. Kids have all gone back to school and the neighborhood has gotten quite. Fall, and cool weather will be here before we know it!

Good Bye 10 months.....Hello 11! Our Beautiful Ashlyn
(This is a pro picture taken by a girl who's wedding I worked last year)

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Weekend Away

Matt and I had our first weekend away from Ashlyn (together). His parents watched her so that we could join our friends at Norris Lake. This is the second time we've rented this same house. It is gorgeous! There were 13 of us that went. The first day we rented a speedboad and then did the party pontoon boat the second day. Was a lot of fun. We had 2 wave runners also, so there was always someting to do. Best part was that Carla and Anika came for the weekend. It was soooo great to have them there.

I was greatly looking forward to a weekend away, but couldn't wait to get home to see Ashlyn!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Festival Fun

We seem to be festival chasers these days. We went to a church festival by our house 2 weekends ago, then hit up a big local festival last weekend. It's nice to get Ashlyn out and stroll around. The Gin Blossoms were playing the night we were there, but Ashlyn pooped out on us about 15 minutes before they started. Matt ran into some co-workers and we meet up with some friends. Overall, fun to have something different and entertaining to do on a Friday night.

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's a Zoo around here!

I say that, because I think Ashlyn has a lot of animalistic traits. Already mentioned that she gnaws wood like a beaver. Here are some of her other skills:

RACOON: Getting into every bag or open container pulling things out

MONKEY: Hangs from the table

COW: Eats anything in her site, including paper and grass

We are so proud! She is a woman of many talents.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Wow, we are into everything these days. Now that she can walk with support around the house, nothing is out of reach. She pulls everything off desks, tables, and is opening all the doors and drawers. Crazy how one day your life just changes. My new favorite phrase is "Ashlyn, No". She would much rather hold our hands and walk then crawl if the opportunity exists. Is still a bit apprehensive to let go of my hands and try to stand alone, but she gets a little braver and faster every day.My little baby isn't a baby anymore.

She LOVES going up and Down the Stairs. Speed crawls over to it and goes right up them. If i don't get there fast enough, she's already a few steps up, laughing the whole way! Baby Gate is on the shopping list this week.

Oh, and she is part Beaver. We put the Gummy Rail along the crib when we noticed she was chewing on it. Look at what she did to the exposed area on the side of her crib. Guess I need more Gummi Rail.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Going Home...tear, tear

We got to spend one last afternoon with Ashley and Nick before they headed back up to Michigan for the year. Ashley finished her awesome "being sarcastic" internship at P&G and has a few short weeks before her 2nd year gets up and going. Ashlyn loves her Aunt Nick and Uncle Ashley (hehe), we will miss seeing them so frequently. Hopefully they'll come back to Ohio to visit soon!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We ventured South!

We had a great visit to South Carolina. Was a bridesmaid in Nicola's wedding, so we planned a little getaway around the wedding. Ashlyn had her first trip to the beach. She only lasted about 45 minutes, but overall did really well. She was the happiest when we held her hands and let her walk through the water. Otherwise she just wanted to eat the sand. I think she got my native blood, she is just about as tan as me without even being in the sun. We even got to have a quick lunch visit with Addie and Steph.

The wedding was a lot of fun. Nicola looked absolutely gorgeous! Saw all of my old roommates and lots of Clemson grads. Haven't been a guest at a wedding in a long time, it was fun to shag, have a few beers, and let loose! Made me miss SC a lot, nothing better than southern hospitality. Check out more pictures on the Life with Ashlyn link.