Attempted to go boating at Caesar's Creek on Sunday, the life vest didn't fit Ashlyn, so we'll have to try again when we go for the 4th of July. Should make for some fun photo ops.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Overnight trip to NC!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
9 Months
Blowing Rasperries on anything she can.
Making noise with the door stoppers.
Pulling herself up on anything and everything.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fab Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day was a jam packed day. Started off with some yummy waffles for daddy. Then we went to the Benham/Smith family reunion at the Beck Farm. As usual, beautiful setting, fabulous food, homemade ice cream, and family fun. It was a warm day, but still great to be outside and be with extended family. After the reunion, stopped by Matt's parents house for more Father's day fun. Overall a really great day of family time!
Here are a few recent pictures of Daddy and Ashlyn. Happy 1st Father's Day Matt!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Nicola and a New Look
Nicola came for a fun visit! I am such a lucky girl to be blessed with awesome friends who come visit ohio. We had a great low key weekend. Did a day visit to Ohio, went for a walk, ate at Montgomery Inn Boathouse, talked about her wedding a ton! Ashlyn loved having Nicola here, she would laugh right when she saw her and Nicola spoiled her silly with giddy up rides, bed bouncing, and many laughs. Wish she lived closer, we miss our friend!
Daddy is Broken
Bristol or Bust
Cubs and Carla
Wow, what a fun visit! Carla returned for more exciting adventures in ohio. She is a Cubs fan, so decided to make the trip back up here for the game. We had a really really fun night! It was actually the first night I have let loose, had some drinks, and laughed/danced, in a long time. After the Reds game, we watched the fireworks then walked to Cadillac Ranch. I made Carla and Heather ride the bull with me (which I was sore from for about 3 days). We danced, got free t-shirts and had a really good time. Didn't feel my best on Saturday, but Carla stuck around saw behind of scenes of planning a wedding. Was too quick of a trip, but a great one for sure!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I wish she knew....
- When I walked into Ashlyn's room on Tuesday, she was sitting up in the crib. Guess it is time that we lower the mattress.
- In the last few days Ashlyn has started to quickly maneuver from a sitting position to being on all fours. She looks like she's going to crawl, then plops down.
- Blew up the baby pool, Ashlyn wanted to chew on the pool and was making fart noises on it. Made me laugh!
- Took Ashlyn to the pool when it was so hot Tuesday. She fussed for a second cause the water was cold and then loved splashing her hands in the water. She likes when i hold her better than using the crab float.
- Ashlyn opens and closes her hands, I am trying to get her to relate the motion to saying hello and goodbye. Don't think she's getting it!
- Still working on saying "Dada". She is saying just about every syllable but her D's.
- Her top 2 teeth are really showing now, and the next 2 are clearing coming through also.
- Lisa told me a way to start weaning Ashlyn off her 5am feeding. Every night I pull her off one minute earlier. After i get passed 1 minute, i'll come in and just put her pacifier in. Fingers crossed it goes well, would be nice to not have that early morning wake up call anymore.
- We've been trying more table food. She loves her puffs! Guess i'm not supposed to give her strawberries, but she likes them and luckily didn't have a reaction to it.
- I'm excited because Carla is coming back to visit for a night. We are going to go to the Reds/Cubs game Friday night.
- I MISS YOU so very very much!!!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
We are now Both almost 30
Sunday we went up to Dayton for his family Birthday dinner. Sat around outside enjoying the bright blue sunshiny skies. Then his mom made a delicious dinner that we topped off with ice cream cake. Overall, a pretty awesome birthday weekend!