I have been a total blogging slacker these days. Not even sure where the time goes, but at the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is sit down in front of the computer. I think since it has been so beautiful outside, i spend more of my hours out than in. It's refreshing really! Busted out Ashlyn's sunglasses and the jogging stroller. Gonna take a few times of a slow jog to get myself back in outdoor running shape. It's hard work pushing that thing up the neighborhood hills.
We've had a pretty good last week. Had my first wedding of the season last weekend. Bride was adorable and sweet, an overall fun wedding to work.
Ashlyn's other top tooth popped through, we now have 4 baby teeth. Watch out fingers-they hurt when she bites. Hate to jinx it, but she's also been sleeping really well. Only get's up once, around 5, then sleeps till about 8:30. Makes mommy very happy!!!!!
Sarah and Todd came down to cook us a fabulous birthday dinner on Monday. It was out first formal dinner in the dining room. Sarah made delicious lasagna and garlic bread, and brought my favorite (cookie cake) for dessert. It was super sweet, and oh so good. Hoping to return the favor for her in the upcoming month.

Went to the Red's game on Tuesday night. I'll post pictures tomorrow. We broke our camera (every mom's nightmare) by cracking the screen, so I treated myself to a new one with my birthday money. Takes great pictures but am having trouble transferring them off my card onto the computer. Hoping to share my "new camera" action fun with you in the next few days. Be on the lookout:)
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