I never got a chance to post Ashlyn's 7 month picture and update. As is obvious by her pictures the last few weeks, she started to sit up. It has made life a lot easier. I can sit her down to play with a pile of toys and walk away, aaaahhh! It also makes bath time a lot more fun. She sits up and splashes her arms like crazy! She now flips over on her belly to sleep the second you lay her in the crib. Unfortunatly, her sleeping pattern has been way off recently, partly due to being in dayton for a week and traveling, and also teething. I can see a little nubbin coming through on her top gums. Seriously, why does teething have to be such a pain in the rear?!?! She is also babbling a ton, ba ba ba ba, daddy is anxiously waiting for that to change to a "d". She also started giving kisses, even if they are slobbery and open mouthed, I love it! She makes me so extremely proud and happy, and has helped me smile on some very sad days over the last few weeks. 7 months is a really fun time, I love this age, and I love her to pieces. She is a beautiful, happy little girl.

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