Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Such a Joy!

Minus the minor headaches that teething is bringing, Ashlyn has been such a joy over the past few weeks. We love to do anything we can to make her giggle. She is still talking up a storm, makes this cute face when she bites her lips, always looks like she is doing baby sit ups, bats at all her toys and tries to pull herself up on them, blows raspberries, and is overall a very happy little girl. She has also starting digging her feet into the ground and scootching herself across the floor. She'll do it on her belly and move like an inchworm, or on her back and move across the floor. Here she is after she moved herself all the way under the middle of the table.

Sleeping is still giving us fits. I'm blaming it on teething, and hope that's the case. She is waking up like 4 times a night, it's exhausting. Most of the time she'll just take the paci, talk a minute, then go back to sleep. It's making mommy very very tired though. I got spoiled by the weeks of 7-9 hours each night. So getting only 3 or 4 is killing me. Luckily she is adorable, so I can't get mad at her:)

We had a great weekend. Went to see Taken (very good) and out to dinner for Valentine's Day. Then last night we went to see The Uninvited. It was good also, but not as scary as I was hoping. We also got the new tenants moved into our condo (finally), and went to dinner with Uncle John and Larry. Was hoping to start painting, or maping out the playroom wall, but didn't get to it. A project for this week I guess.

Hope everyone had a relaxing and romantic Valentine's Day as well. Here is Ashlyn hanging out on daddy in her heart PJ's.

1 comment:

Peachy said...

We are going through the same joys (talking talking talking and laughing) and also the sleepless nights ( up like every 2 hours! Teething)UGH!