Thursday, February 12, 2009

Better Sleep and Loud Noises

After that first sleepless night, Ashlyn has done much better in an open crib. Mon. and Tues. she woke up around 3, but went right back to sleep once I put the paci in, then woke up around 5 to eat. Last night was even more normal, she woke up the first time around 5. We aren't back to the full 7-9 hours we normally get, but it's slowly getting better. I think she is starting to teethe, so that is also probably effecting her sleep patterns. Both Matt and I got our first teeth between 4-5 months, so she's right on target for the little suckers to start popping through.

We had a "first" last night. We took Ashlyn to the UD/Xavier Basketball game at UD arena with Matt's parents. Matt was so excited to take her to her first game. I didn't have anything red or blue to put her in, so she wore UD booties with a pink outfit! She was SO good. She sat quietly on our laps and looked around at everything the whole 2 hours. Several people commented on how good she was. She jumped and got wide eyed a few times when the fans went nuts, but otherwise she was an angel and seemed to enjoy the loud/chaotic/exciting game. Hopefully we'll get to do it again before the season ends.

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