Friday, February 6, 2009


ROLLED OVER!!! I was sitting on the floor with Ashlyn next to the play mat. She put her legs up and kinda rolled onto her side twice. I yelled to Matt to come watch cause she had never done that before. He went back to work and I got up to get a glass of milk, walked back over, and she was on her tummy! Seriously.... seriously..... I walk away for 15 seconds and she decides to roll over. I was so bummed that I missed it, but freaking out with excitement. I am in no hurry for her to start being more mobile or crawling, but it was still very very exciting!

Got out the video camera, but of course she wouldn't do it again:( Here I am congratulating her on a job well done. Can't you see the excitement all over her face..... "Geez mom, it was nothing!"

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