Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Long December Week

Been a crazy last week. Our cable went out on Wednesday afternoon and they weren't able to come fix it till Sunday. May sound horrible, but not being able to turn on the TV or get online for 5 days is painful. I felt disconnected.

Friday we had our first fire and popped in a movie.
Saturday we woke up to snow covered streets. It snowed pretty much all day. This was the view out our front window. We ended up going up to Dayton so Matt could watch the football games that evening.

Yesterday I woke up for Ashlyn's first feeding at 7:30 and didn't feel right. I proceeded to throw up on and off all day and had a fever of 101.5. It was miserable, but luckily Matt was able to work from home and help with Ashlyn. It only lasted 24 hours so i'm up and at it again today. Ashlyn seems fussy and isn't eating well today though, I pray she didn't get it! Having a sick baby is not something i look forward too and makes me sad!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Feel better linds! That is never fun!