Monday, December 22, 2008

Meeting the Family

Ashlyn took her first road trip. We went up to Perrysburg to celebrate Christmas with Matt's family. Both of his parents are from that area. Ashlyn did great on the 2 1/2 hour car ride up and back....she slept the whole way. It was soooooo cold though, the temperature was -3 with a wind chill of around -20. BURRRRRR!!!!

First we went to the Holiday Inn to have brunch with his dad's side of the family. Ashlyn got to meet her Great Grandma and several of her great aunts and uncles. We usually only see this side of the family once a year, so it was great seeing everyone and introducing them to our beautiful little girl.

After brunch we headed to Sharon's brother's house for food and socializing with the Aubry family. This was a whole different ball game. Being 1 of 10 kids, she has tons of siblings, neices/nephews/ect. to fill a house full. They are such a fun and social family, and it's great catching up with all of Matt's cousins. Everyone wanted to hold Ashlyn. She was so good all day, she smiled and cooed for everyone. We couldn't be prouder to share our smiley baby with the family.

*More pictures from the trip on the Life with Ashlyn site

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