Monday, December 29, 2008

Ashlyn's 1st Christmas

We had a very busy Christmas. My parents house was filled with people, so we stayed at my in-laws house for the long weekend. Figured it was easier than going back and forth to Dayton every day. We went to dinner X-mas Eve with Matt's family at Bone Fish Grill, then proceeded on to the 9:00 service with my family. Ashlyn made it through about 40 minutes of the service before daddy had to walk out with her. I don't think he minded:) I absolutely love the candle light service, and watching the church fill with light as they sing O Holy Night. Ashlyn looked so cute that night in her Santa's Little Baby outfit.
We woke up first thing X-mas morning, put Ashlyn in her Chrismas hat and Pj's, then headed over to my mom's house to open gifts. It was England craziness as usual. We all had an excessive amount of gifts to open. I got a diamond necklace, nursing stuff, electronic brag book, Ashlyn's next size car seat, a fireproof safe and much much more. Matt gave me a GPS system for my car which I am super excited about. I seem to get lost a lot driving around Cincinnati.

Around 12:30 we headed back to Matt's parents house (*note, our parents live in the same neighborhood) to open more gifts. It was crazy also with the 2 nephews excited to open gifts. His parents were super generous as well and gave us lots of stuff for the house.

Finally we headed back to my parents house for a huge turkey and stuffing dinner with all of my family. We opened gifts with the cousins, had some champagne, and by around 10 finally called it a day! Whew. We are beyond blessed to have such generous parents, grandparents, and siblings who gave us tons of very very nice things. Thank you!!!

Caught a cute one of her smiling at daddy in her Christmas dress

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