Thursday, December 18, 2008

Have you seen me?

I am so sad. Matt and I somehow lost our camera charger at my parents house over Thanksgiving. If anyone knows my parents house, you know that if something goes missing it is unlikely to ever be seen again. Of course this is a busy and fun time of year for our camera to be dead. Think we're going to have to bite the bullet, assume it's gone forever, and go get a new one. So sad:(

A nice ice storm hit Dayton on Tuesday. (I am beyond jealous when my girlfriend told me it was in the 70's in SC right now). I was up getting my hair done and doing some Christmas shopping with my mom, and got stuck there. Mt car wouldn't even make it up the street, so we had to park down the street and walk in the grass to the house. It was a sheet of ice everywhere. Wish we could have made it home so Ashlyn could hang out with daddy, but it wasn't in the cards. Instead we roughed it out at Kiki and Ducky's! Ashlyn loves being held by Kiki, so I think she was happy!
On a very happy note, another girl is going to be added to the Bayer family. We found out that matt's brother Jeff and his wife Lisa are expecting a little girl. After having 3 boys, it will be a welcomed change in their house I am sure. Ashlyn is so lucky to get to have a girl cousin only 7 months younger. We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet her in May.

1 comment:

Katie said...

We have that same charger and lost it two years ago. UGH, I bought a new one (not fun) and found the old one in luggage last year. BONUS...we have two. Good luck.