Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Loving Fall

I absolutely LOVE fall. The crisp nights, leaves changing colors, pumpkins, haunted houses, and so much more. We got out to a fall festival that our church was hosting to say hello to the minister who married us. He was so excited to get to meet Ashlyn. We got a couple pumkins for the front door too. I hope Ashlyn loves Fall and Halloween as much as her mommy.

Ashlyn HATES to be swaddled. She grunts and groans until she can bust her arms free. I call her my little billy goat cause she makes the cutest grunting noises. She always sleeps with her arms straight out or over her head. Too cute!!!


AJU5's Mom said...

My daughter hated being swaddled too. But, because she was always cool/cold, I ended up using the blanket sleeper with her until she was too big for it. Now she fits into the footed fleece sleepers that are really cute!

Katie said...

Super cute pictures. You are one of those women I hate who has an amazing figure one day after birth....NO FAIR (not that I expected anything less). Motherhood suits you well Linds.