Monday, October 20, 2008

Getting out and about

We aren't supposed to take Ashlyn out in public places for a few more weeks, but frankly it is torture trying to avoid any public places on a daily basis. We did meet up with Matt's mom and John on Friday afternoon for lunch at Chammps. The waitress commented on Ashlyn's cute cheeks, I swear that is the only thing anyone notices on her.

Matt and I got to have a date night on Friday. Kiki watched Ashlyn while we meet up with friends for a glass of wine and a movie. It was nice having a few hours to get out and socialize.

Rest of the weekend was quite uneventful. Some friends stopped over Saturday to watch the Ohio State game, Ashlyn slept through it, then we watched a movie. Sunday I hung out with my parents while Matt went to the Bengals game (pathetic). Overall, a beautiful, but somewhat lack luster weekend.

*Matt had his first throwup experience, Ashlyn got him really good!!! She won back his heart pretty quickly though, as you can tell by the second picture.

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