Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My friend Katie tagged me so here I go- 7 things about me that are quirky, weird, something you didn't know, etc

1.I go by my middle name, my first name is Katherine

2. I think I have a good voice and like to sing loudly to Broadway musicals. Drives Matt crazy when i sing along to the CD's.....guess i'm not so good!

3.I kill plants, I don't mean too, just do not have a green thumb.

4. When i make cookies, I always eat the dough and almost never have the finished product.

5. I always sleep on my side, and hold my monkey and baby blanket (yes i'm 28)

6. I have an obsession with Halloween, and am secretly jealous of every girl who is going to dress up in fun, scandalous costumes this year.

7. I've never balanced my checkbook. I write everything down, but never go through and balance it.

Not sure who to tag, anyone feel free to jump on in and share!

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