Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One weird week

In the past 5 days, my sister's car was vandalized and my parents house was burglarized. Now that is a bad week!

Ashley moved up to Ann Arbor for grad school about a week ago. Welcome to Michigan.....we are going to throw rocks through your windows and mess up your car. Luckily it's covered by insurance, but not what she was looking forward to hearing after returning from a trip to Alaska!!

Then my parents find out that a felon/drug addict was in their house Sunday night. The cops found his car and watched the street till they saw him and chased him (he got away, but they have his car). My sister in laws laptop, and some other odds and ends from my parents house was found in his car. CREEPY! What is scarier is that my mom didn't go to bed till 3:30 am that night. He was either watching her and waited till she went upstairs, or came just after she went to bed.

What is the world coming too. Luckily everyone is ok, but still messed up!

On a happy note, we are going to eat at this awesome steak restaurant (Waterfront) for my father in laws 60th birthday tonight. Baby B can't wait for some filet mignon and mashed potatoes.

1 comment:

Katie said...

WOW Linds......what an awful week.