Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I think Summer's Great!

I find it amusing that everyone told me summer is so miserable to be pregnant in, I have definitely not found that to be the case. I love being able to throw on dresses and flip flops everyday. I am cool, airy, and very comfortable. This crazy August weather is making it easy too. You would think it would be in the 90's and horribly humid, but we are going on like 6 days of amazing weather, and it's supposed to last all week. We had a few stretches of 90 degree days, but it hasn't bothered me at all, I'm loving being pregnant in summer.

We went to Young's Dairy in Yellow Springs on Sunday. Madison got to pet the animals, ride a ride, and of course eat yummy ice cream. You would have thought it was an October day out, it was gorgeous!

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