Friday, August 22, 2008

Goodbye and a Dr's visit

The little ones have gone back to New York. It is kinda sad and quiet now that my parents house is empty. I know my mom is sure going to miss all the snuggle baby holding time. And I will definitely miss painting princesses and playing dress up. Hopefully we won't have to wait till Christmas to see the England clan again!
I had my 33 week appointment this week. As usual, all is normal. I measured fine, blood pressure is in check and nothing out of the norm. I had put on 1 1/2 pounds in the last 3 weeks, so that wasn't too painful to see. The rate my belly has sudden started growing, you just never know what the scale might say. I go back just after labor day, and then I think it is once a week from then on. Aaah! Here is my 33 week belly.


Katie said...

I love that picture of your mom and Graham. How sweet. I am sure it was a wonderful summer. Your belly looks GREAT! BTW, have you had the mural painted yet?

Lindsey said...

I know, I LOVE that picture!!! She is coming to paint the nursery the week of September 8th. I can't wait to see it all come together.