Thursday, August 7, 2008

31 Weeks

Figured I should post my ever growing belly. I had a Dr.'s appointment on Monday. Everything was hunky dory. I had only put on 2 pounds since the month before (relief), and I measured right where I should. Guess now I start going back more frequently, yippee! Oh, and I had passed my glucose test, so no more giving out free samples of blood.

My only complaint these days is that my heartburn is unbearable at night. I've had acid reflux since college, so I'm used to the discomfort of it, but this is bad. I literally burp up throw up all the time. NASTY, I know! And I've noticed I have to take deep breaths every now and then, Baby B must be moving up on my lung space.

I'm trying to schedule maternity shots. I'm not a huge fan of them, but they are part of the babies first year package that I've booked. Her pictures are great, so i'm pumped she'll take Baby B's first mug shots. Check out her site: She is booked up till September though, so who knows what'll happen, or pop out, between now and then.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Linds, you look great! Man, you are tan. I never did maternity shots and I am sad about it. Do it, they will be so special years from now. (not to mention you are an amazing looking pregnant lady!!!!)