Thursday, July 24, 2008

29 Weeks and a trip to SC

Had a GREAT trip to Columbia, SC. I spent a few nights at Stephanie's house, and got to spend some time with Nicola and Ryan as well. It was a great weekend. We had no agenda, so we just did whatever popped up. Got pedicures, went to the pool, shopped, ate out, enjoyed my favorite TCBY white chocolate mousse, and just caught up. Stephanie and I got lots of funny comments waddling around town together. One lady even yelled out the car window that we were beautiful- you gotta love the south!!! It was exactly what I needed, some quality time with really good friends. Makes me realize how great they are and how much I miss being close to them!!!!

Here is the most recent bump picture. I'm at 29 weeks and still feeling really good. I haven't heard anything about my glucose test last Friday, so I'm assuming I passed. They had to do both arms cause they had trouble getting blood, but I survived and it really wasn't bad.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Glad you had fun. You look adorable. Now post something new for me to has been a while. LOL.