Monday, July 7, 2008

Red, White and Boom!

The title was chosen for the 4th of July, and my ever larger growing belly.....hehe!

I took my 26 week belly pictures last Wednesday and then never posted it. Better late than never I guess, and a new one will be here in only a few short days. I'm still feeling really good, but have had the urge to pee a lot more over the last week. There have a been a few nights that she's kept me from falling asleep cause she is doing somersaults in my belly. It's weird to see her shift from one side to the other, but reassuring that she's moving a lot.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. Mine was once again very busy. My sister and Nick came to town. We went and saw Wall-E on Thursday night, very cute. On the 4th we got up and had breakfast at the club, it was a dreary, rainy holiday. Had to do some stuff in Cincinnati on Saturday, then, since i'm super wife, I drove up to Dayton to meet my husband at our friends Shaun and Alison's 4th of July party. It was a long, and tiring day. Finished up by lunch and seeing Hancock with our friend Mike on Sunday, then Matt's family all came to our house to grill out last night. Whew, exhausting to even write it all out really.

Today is painting day. I have to go tape off the room and trim the edges. If i'm really frisky i'll go ahead and paint without Matt, but we'll see. I'll be sure to take a before and after picture. Since the furniture is in, I want to get it painted so it's all done and they can get everything set up in that room. Hopefully i'll have pics to post tomorrow.

Hope your Monday is sunny and cheerful!

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