Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shower Invitation

The invitations went out last week for my first baby shower. They are so adorable. My Mother in Law and Sister in Law are hosting the shower. It is a luncheon on August 2nd. I am very excited about it and hope the next two weeks fly by so that it gets here quickly! I love baby showers, everything is always so cute, and it is surreal this one is for me!!!

I registered at Baby Registry, and Babies R Us. Surprisingly we found that Amazon has cheaper prices on many of the items.

I am visiting South Carolina this weekend, enjoying some quality time with my college girlfriends. My friend Stephanie is due the week before me, so it's so fun to have lots of pregnancy woes to relate to. It is supposed to be 100 degrees here. Think happy thoughts so that Baby B, and I, don't melt:)

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