Thursday, July 17, 2008

28 Weeks

Baby B is officially off her rocker! I think she is taking after my sister and going to be a competitive gymnast or something. It looks like small explosions in my belly as she flips and turns, a bit disturbing actually. She's given me a few swift blows to the ribs too. I guess she's taking advantage of the space while she has it. Soon she'll be crammed in there nice and tight.

I can tell a huge difference in my size in the last two weeks. I know i'm still not huge or anything, but shirts I could wear a few weeks ago, now look like Chris Farley in his "little coat". Kinda like this guy, haha:


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry I made a typo in my last comment! I think you look amazing! I was surprised that Baby B was still moving when I put my hand on your belly. I hope all is going well with you.

Katie said...

I think you look adorable. Keep up the good cookin' b/c Baby B is going to be perfect!