Saturday, May 11, 2013

What....It's a girl?!?!?!

I was due March 15th, but since Dr. Shie was going on a cruise on the 9th, he induced me on the 8th. This was something I was totally on board with considering I was also induced with Austin at 39 weeks, and was OVER being pregnant. 

Got to Kettering Hospital at 6:00am. Got my hand IV (my least favorite part of the whole process, youch). They checked me and I was almost at 3. Told my nurse, Melinda, I wanted a pain free day and requested my epidural. Got my epidural at 7:30, then Dr. Shie broke my water immediately after. I then proceeded to puke my brains out, which i've done with my other two, likely from getting the epidural then laying on my back. 

For some reason my epidural always makes me way more numb on the right side, so they have my lay on my left to even it out. It was a low key morning really. Sarah got there around 9:30, which I'm beyond thankful that she could be a part of my delivery again. Then dad arrived around 11:30 to be his usual antsy self. I dozed off a little, but mostly just chatted with everyone.

They checked me at 12:30 and I was about 5 cm. I got really nauseous around this time and proceeded to puke a lot, again. Around 1:30 I was having a lot of cramping pain in my back. They flipped me to the other side and I was at about 7. About 25 minutes later I felt a lot of pressure and she said I was ready to push.  Jill arrived just as they were getting me set up to push. 

Started pushing at 2:00, and Alexis Katherine Bayer was born at 2:09. No pain, no problems! Literally a pain free day. I held her in my arms awhile before they took her to clean her up, all I could think was...WOW, she looks exactly like Ashlyn! Alexis was my largest baby at 7 lbs 15.3 oz, and 21.5 inches long. A perfect, healthy, gorgeous baby girl!!! 

Only real shock was that we were convinced it would be a boy. Matt was so convinced, he had me thinking it had to be. I did have 2 dreams it was a girl though. Plus, we couldn't agree on a boys name till that week, which made me think boy. If it would have been a boy, his name would have been Jacob Matthew (gasp, not an A name, haha). 

Other names we were considering:
Emily for a girl. I liked Andrew for boy, and Matt loved Max or Tyler.

Hard to believe, I had 3 children (we are done) and have NEVER felt a painful contraction or been in labor. Guess that makes me lucky, at least I think so!

We will most likely abbreviate her name to either Alex or Lexi, not sure yet which one will stick. I love both equally. 

Another girl, wow, another girl! Welcome to our chaotic family baby Alexis!

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