Monday, May 6, 2013

Projects and the crud

What a blah month February is.  While we have somehow avoided the nasty flu going around this winter, we have gotten plenty of other crud.  Ashlyn had a pneumonia and austin had croup, plus a similar virus which involved several breathing treatments and an inhaler.  Breathing stuff is SCARY, luckily i knew the symptoms and didn't panic during middle of the night attacks.  Sick kids made for lots of chilly day snuggles, which I don't mind!
Feeling cruddy

A fall, and a slap in the face with a phone (thanks to ashlyn)

Sickly naps

Crafting even while super sick

Sleeping through his breathing treatment

Being sick, and lots of snow, also leads to lots of free time to craft and do activities around the house.  Mommy is exhausted these days, so i don't always have the energy to participate in what the kids are doing, but I try to set them up for fun.  Here are some of the fun things we've been up to this month.

Valentine's crafts

Kiwi craft projects 

making blueberry muffins 

dance party

reading on the changing table

Matt and I have our own projects in the works too. Finally painted the kids bathroom, the dining room, and matt completely updated the first floor bath. I think i'd call that male nesting!  Next up, our master bathroom.

And of course we always had time for some fun!

Shriner circus

 Valentine's cuties

Only a few weeks to go

The groundhog didn't see his shadow, let's hope Spring really is on it's way.... cause this winter has been cruddy!!

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