Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Four becomes five

Matt and I were a little smarter this time around, and decided to take full advantage of our hospital stay. With Austin we were so anxious to get home, and our first night was rough! This time we figured we'd use the nursery both nights and get as much sleep as we could. Added perk that we had the most humongous room ever! Left plenty of room for visitors. Being dad's daughter gets perks, like the massive corner suite. 

The kids actually got to our room before we did, so we greeted them in the hallway. They looked so adorable in their big bro and bigger sis tshirts. They brought alexis drawings and a pink puppy dog paci clip and stuffed animal. 

Ashlyn was SMITTEN with her baby sister!

The Bogards were some of the first visitors

Mimi and Alexis

Papa and Alexis

Aunt Mitzi, who brought more soft and fluffy burp clothes

Snuggling with Great Grandma England

Lots of love from Jiji

Another bayer girl, Mimi can't get enough

Austin was very concerned that I was in a wheelchair and that i needed help to get into the bed and use the restroom.  He wasn't very interested in the baby, more with getting mommy hugs and playing with my hair.

Ashlyn lookalike, such a sweet lovable face! 

First family photo!

Our family went from 4 to 5 and we couldn't be happier!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What....It's a girl?!?!?!

I was due March 15th, but since Dr. Shie was going on a cruise on the 9th, he induced me on the 8th. This was something I was totally on board with considering I was also induced with Austin at 39 weeks, and was OVER being pregnant. 

Got to Kettering Hospital at 6:00am. Got my hand IV (my least favorite part of the whole process, youch). They checked me and I was almost at 3. Told my nurse, Melinda, I wanted a pain free day and requested my epidural. Got my epidural at 7:30, then Dr. Shie broke my water immediately after. I then proceeded to puke my brains out, which i've done with my other two, likely from getting the epidural then laying on my back. 

For some reason my epidural always makes me way more numb on the right side, so they have my lay on my left to even it out. It was a low key morning really. Sarah got there around 9:30, which I'm beyond thankful that she could be a part of my delivery again. Then dad arrived around 11:30 to be his usual antsy self. I dozed off a little, but mostly just chatted with everyone.

They checked me at 12:30 and I was about 5 cm. I got really nauseous around this time and proceeded to puke a lot, again. Around 1:30 I was having a lot of cramping pain in my back. They flipped me to the other side and I was at about 7. About 25 minutes later I felt a lot of pressure and she said I was ready to push.  Jill arrived just as they were getting me set up to push. 

Started pushing at 2:00, and Alexis Katherine Bayer was born at 2:09. No pain, no problems! Literally a pain free day. I held her in my arms awhile before they took her to clean her up, all I could think was...WOW, she looks exactly like Ashlyn! Alexis was my largest baby at 7 lbs 15.3 oz, and 21.5 inches long. A perfect, healthy, gorgeous baby girl!!! 

Only real shock was that we were convinced it would be a boy. Matt was so convinced, he had me thinking it had to be. I did have 2 dreams it was a girl though. Plus, we couldn't agree on a boys name till that week, which made me think boy. If it would have been a boy, his name would have been Jacob Matthew (gasp, not an A name, haha). 

Other names we were considering:
Emily for a girl. I liked Andrew for boy, and Matt loved Max or Tyler.

Hard to believe, I had 3 children (we are done) and have NEVER felt a painful contraction or been in labor. Guess that makes me lucky, at least I think so!

We will most likely abbreviate her name to either Alex or Lexi, not sure yet which one will stick. I love both equally. 

Another girl, wow, another girl! Welcome to our chaotic family baby Alexis!

Am I ready?

A lot of woman have strong thoughts or opinions on getting induced.  For me, it is not something I fear, or have concerns about causing problems during delivery.  I was induced with both of my other two, so I truly have no apprehensions about doing it once again. Although my water broke with Ashlyn, i was not in active labor so they "induced" my labor.  Then with Austin, we induced at 39 weeks since I pushed so long with Ashlyn and they didn't want him to get much larger.

I am certainly having a lot more anxieties with this pregnancy. I've mastered multi tasking with 2 kids, and Matt and I can split and conquer the bedtime routine.  So the thought of now being outnumbered by our children is a bit daunting.  Ashlyn and Austin were exactly 2 years apart, so I didn't know any different and Ashlyn still felt like a baby herself.  At this stage in our life, I feel like Austin (who is 2 1/2) is way less of a baby and independent. So going backwards into baby mode sounds exhausting.

I am ready to not be pregnant though.  As much as I have tried to embrace being pregnant this last time, since I know it's the last, it's still not a walk in the park.  I can't bend over anymore, my back aches when i sit on the couch, gets tough carrying austin around, my heartburn is off the charts, and I'm tired.

Hoping this little one doesn't have plans of their own and try to make an appearance prior to March 8th.  I'm not prepared for an early arrival.  I like knowing a date, time, place, and have it all scheduled out.  Life doesn't necessarily work that way, but I'd like to be prepped, shaved, packed, and ready that day.

Just a few days until life changes, gets tough, but certainly gets better!

Can't wait to meet you "Cookie"!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Snow Day

Most parents are thrilled for snow days. In my case, just days away from having a baby, I enjoy the moments of laying around without guilt. Needless to say, this Spring the weather has other plans for me.

School was cancelled Wednesday, the 6th as nearly 6 inches of snow were laid overnight. It is GORGEOUS outside, a wet snow that coated the branches. A true winter wonderland. But as I am 2 days away from having this baby, the kids don't care how I feel, and are ready to play.

Talk about a work out. Try bundling up 2 small children in snow gear, when you can barely lean over to put on your own shoes. Then add on shoving myself into snow pants, a waterproof jacket, and boots.  I'm beat and we aren't even outside yet.

The next adventure entails pulling the kids in a wagon down the street to the field behind the neighbors house.  Then carrying Austin, uphill, through the huge field of 6 inches of fresh fallen snow.  Out of breath, sweating, and ready to give birth. Ha!

Luckily Faith and Christian were in tow to carry the sleds, as well as sled down the hill with the kids. Austin seems to enjoy eating the snow more than playing in it, but I remember doing the same thing as a kid. He lasted about 20 minutes before he was cold and asking for me to trek him back home for lunch.  I easily obliged, while ashlyn stayed behind with the big kids to play.

Enjoying the gorgeous snow, for the rest of the day, inside.....in pajamas!

And there is no better way to enjoy snowy days then with a fire, and playing games with daddy. Ahh!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Projects and the crud

What a blah month February is.  While we have somehow avoided the nasty flu going around this winter, we have gotten plenty of other crud.  Ashlyn had a pneumonia and austin had croup, plus a similar virus which involved several breathing treatments and an inhaler.  Breathing stuff is SCARY, luckily i knew the symptoms and didn't panic during middle of the night attacks.  Sick kids made for lots of chilly day snuggles, which I don't mind!
Feeling cruddy

A fall, and a slap in the face with a phone (thanks to ashlyn)

Sickly naps

Crafting even while super sick

Sleeping through his breathing treatment

Being sick, and lots of snow, also leads to lots of free time to craft and do activities around the house.  Mommy is exhausted these days, so i don't always have the energy to participate in what the kids are doing, but I try to set them up for fun.  Here are some of the fun things we've been up to this month.

Valentine's crafts

Kiwi craft projects 

making blueberry muffins 

dance party

reading on the changing table

Matt and I have our own projects in the works too. Finally painted the kids bathroom, the dining room, and matt completely updated the first floor bath. I think i'd call that male nesting!  Next up, our master bathroom.

And of course we always had time for some fun!

Shriner circus

 Valentine's cuties

Only a few weeks to go

The groundhog didn't see his shadow, let's hope Spring really is on it's way.... cause this winter has been cruddy!!

New year, new adventures

Hard to top december, and all its excitement. Filling January with a month of new things.

New Figure

New activities (masking tape roadway)

New games on the phone (kids are becoming TOO attatched)

New carpet (and more game playing)

New Big Boy room (sports themed)

 New box of hand me downs opened (can you tell they are excited)

New skills learned

New fallen snow

New experiences (Wright State Game with the Toby's) 
Austin entertained the audience with gangnam style

New ways to entertain themselves

Newly potty trained (while playing games...again)

New leotard for ballet

New adventures in the hood (an abnormally warm January day)

The kids are always keeping me on my toes. There has been a lot of arguing, and fighting going on during the short (light) days we are trapped inside. I've certainly had my fair share of not great mommy moments (yelling, napping in afternoon, turning on tv), but I try my best to create New and special memories when possible and through it all!