Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Time warp Part 2

With summer in full swing....we kept life in full swing!

We got patriotic:
Minutes before she was burned by the sparkler

Teaching pyro skills at an early age

Red, White and Blue Ash treats

Listening to Huey Lewis 

100 degrees at 10 PM for fireworks

We hung out with cousins:
Kings Island Fireworks

Dinner at Red Robin

Hanging out at Bega's House

Thunderstorm fun

Grahamy Graham hugs

Girls only tea party

Cutest girl in town

Sneaky smiles

Rocking out the geeky glasses

Testing out the side pony

Doll houses aren't just for girls

Sleepy smiles

Such a boy 

Evening snuggles 

We dressed up (and In many cases DOWN):

Princess Tiara

Rain boot stroll

Potty training trials

 Superhero undie excitement

Princess jasmine hand me down

Austin's Must have on "Ball Cap"

More rain boot strutting

Naked fort story time

A busy busy summer! By the end.... Our skin was tanner, Austin's hair longer and blonder, my belly growing thicker, and a lot of fun memories.  Hard to believe Fall could get even busier.   Bonus- Matt and I got a relaxing weekend away to Norris Lake with our friends. Was kinda nice being pregnant, meant I had a legit excuse to lounge around, read a book, and float on a raft.  It was MUCH MUCH needed! 
Norris Lake

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