Baby #3 at 4 weeks pregnant
At about 6 1/2 weeks, it all hit like a ton of bricks. Walking into the pantry made me feel like throwing up, the grocery store was torture, cooking dinner made me tired and sick thinking about it. Throwing up and heart burn pursued! I was praying for it to be short lived since Austin's was shorter than Ashlyn's, thinking maybe 3rd time would be even better, but unfortunately it lasted until 16 weeks. I was napping almost every day when Austin went down. I'd put on a movie for Ashlyn and just lay in misery on the couch. Mom guilt doesn't even begin to explain how badly I felt. It was summer, a time to be out having fun and being busy, yet the heat made me nauseous and I felt beyond exhausted. Everyone said being 9 months pregnant in August sounded miserable, but I can attest that being 12 weeks pregnant was WAY worse for me. Certainly all worth it in the end, but Baby B #3 didn't make things easy on me.
So what happened during those summer months......a lot!
We lost a buddy, best friend, companion, and so much more. After months of bladder infections, urinating in the house, and vet visits, we found out Bailey had Cushings Disease. It came down to treating with expensive medications, monthly blood tests, and a shorted life span, so we made the VERY tough decision to put Bailey down. It was a horrible horrible day, one I won't soon forget, but I know she went to a better life!
Sweet, sweet Bailey
The Kids got messy:
Shaving cream fun
Sand & Water Table mess
Naked painting
Flavor Ice...yum!
Corn on the cob goodness
Sprinkler giggles
We took outings:
Kings Island
Reds Game
Touch a Truck
Hiking/Creeking with friends
Putt Putting
We relaxed:
Daddy snuggles
Papa snuggles at the waterpark
Big boy bed naps
Cloud gazing
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