Tuesday, April 10, 2012

March Madness

Seriously some March Madness going on....we had 80 degree weather in March. The first official day of Spring was 87. Not normal to be wearing shorts and sundresses this time of year in ohio.

Austin at 18 months is saying....noooo (in a cute, long drawn out way) and mine. By the end of the month he was also saying "I Yuv you, and Sank you" He loves to sing happy birthday and baa baa black sheep. Everyone keeps saying how much older he looks, which i think is due to his hair growing longer quickly. It is starting to curl in the back, I love it! He is all boy: obsessed with watching basketball and asking to go over to get the Bball at JuJu's house. He also has this annoying habit of throwing everything across the room, you have to be on your guard at all times. Although all boy, he is super sweet wanting to feed and carry Ashlyn's baby dolls. He also gets a kick out of wearing Ashlyn's shoes....I just go with it! He finally got his bottom 2 canines, which have been waking him up at night and driving him crazy. And he totally is that kid who falls asleep in random places....like while eating lunch at the table.

Ashlyn has been a roller coaster of emotions recently. You don't really know which Ashlyn you are going to get at the beginning of the day. She is showing some angry and frustration when things don't go her way. This includes slamming doors for no reason and being mean to Austin, just cause. She when is calm, she is the sweetest most polite girl ever. I just wish "that" Ashlyn made her appearance all the time. She is obsessed with rainbows and drawing them. We have been taking daily rainbow hikes (searching for each color of the rainbow in nature). Luckily with St. Patricks day she saw lots of rainbows and was super excited to have a leprechaun visit her school, telling everyone she talked to. We also took a little day trip to Big Bone State lick to see the dinosaur fossils. When not at preschool we are having lots of play dates with Rylee & Parker & Caroline (who she loves to play mommy and baby with).

Not such a baby anymore, Ashlyn finally got out of bed on her own the morning of March 22nd. A day Matt has been hoping for for many months, but i've dreaded it. Luckily it hasn't led to getting out of bed at other times, but I fear that will change.

We had a potluck for St. Patty's Party, with a house full of friends and their kids. It was a fun way to celebrate the holiday! Am feeling lucky this month.... for lots of sunshine, and lots of happy smiles!

St. Patty's Rainbow, "good luck" snack for preschool

Taking their baby dolls out for a warm March stroll

A little boy with BIG dreams, I LOVE this picture!!

Looking bright and springy pretending to shop

Loving boy things....while wearing Ashlyn's pink shoes

A year and a half, can't even believe it!

My messy cooks making St. Patty's treats

Snoozing during lunch

Testing out his new teeth, ouch! Look at those little curls <3

Hiking with her best friend, Caroline

Best buddies Jack and Austin enjoying the free ride to see the buffalo

Looking more big boy than baby

Chucking the vitamin bottle across the kitchen

Showing big sister all his "boo boos"

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