We are so lucky that 1)our neighborhood has lots of kids in it and 2)that there are organized events for major holidays. As always it was a great turn out, and the kids loved running around for their 1st Easter egg hunt of the season. Austin quickly caught the hang of picking up eggs and putting them in the basket. He got a little distracted when he realized their was candy inside, but he still managed to do a lot with little assistance.
Cherry Lane Farms Easter Egg Hunt
Sunshine and a basket full of candy, success!
Stopping to enjoy a sugary snack
The following week we had Ashlyn's Easter party at preschool. The kids munched on carrots, made egg shakers, sang "Jesus is Alive", and had a fun Easter egg hunt on the playground. Ashlyn was most excited to wear her pretty dress to school. She looked absolutely Gorgeous in it. I remember helping my mom pick it out for Madison, so it felt special to see my big girl in it now.
Making an Easter Egg Shaker
Waiting in line for the hunt
March 31st turned out to be a not so great day to mark on the calendar. Although it is Ashley's birthday, Ashlyn decided to mark it with her own memory. After flipping around doing cartwheels all morning, she fell over crying that her arm hurt. The cry was harder, the pain lasted longer (she normally stops crying within minutes), she didn't want pressure on it, held it funny, and then proceeded to fall asleep on the couch. All things that just didn't feel right. So off to the Dr. we went.....after 2 hours, an X-ray, and an ER visit.....we had 1 fractured forearm. Clearly Matt and I were concerned at how easily she broke her arm (especially being her second break), but Dr.'s assure us her bone density is good and it was most likely a fluke. Thankfully the cast is waterproof this time, but still: here is to hoping for NO more broken bones, EVER!!!
Hanging out with daddy at Children's hospital
All smiles with her temporary cast
Easter celebrations and fun continued with a fun evening with Ducky and Jill. They came down to babysit so that mommy and daddy could have a night out. Felt guilty going after she broke her arm that morning, but she was more sad that she'd miss out on hanging out with Ducky than us leaving her. They made her night bringing down EAster baskets full of books, an adorable dress, balls, and some candy. And Ashlyn is still talking about coloring Easter eggs with them!
One armed Easter Egg dying
Ducky's artistic side in action
Last, but certainly NOT least.....Easter Weekend! We planned a little vacation to Indianapolis with Matt's family since no other family was coming into town for the holiday. Ashlyn was so excited and talked about it for weeks. We all hopped into a rented mini van, and made the quick 2 hour drive. Friday we went straight to the Zoo, which was fabulous. My favorite was the adorable baby elephants, Austin got a kick out of the Rhino's and Ashlyn loved touching a shark.
We then spent ALL day Saturday at the Children's museum. It was Fabulous. Even without naps, both kids lasted 6 hours. I think Austin loved it as much as Ashlyn. We went to the planetarium, saw an hour long play, and hit up nearly the whole museum. Finished up the evening with some pizza and a really fun horse & carriage ride around downtown Indy.
Easter morning we went to mass at a Gorgeous church downtown. Easter service and the message is a bit tough since it was also the day mom rose, and i had my moments of sadness, but overall I just felt a sense of peace. I loved that we did something different for Easter. Created memories that the kids and us will certainly remember more than just another ham dinner at home. It was a Fabulous weekend! (and the hotel pool made a 3 yr old very happy)
Our Family at the Zoo
Daddy and Dinosaurs- Roar!
Taking over the Reef
Mr Potato Head Land
Uh Oh- Daddy's in the doghouse
Bayers and a Carriage Ride
Easter Sunday in downtown Indianapolis
My beautiful family!
And of course we couldn't finish out the Easter weekend without an Easter Egg hunt at Mimi and Papa's house. They hid enough eggs for all 6 grandkids, but Ashlyn and Austin had no problem finding them all. So much fun!
Hunting easter eggs at Mimi & Papas
My bunnies!!
And A Lot of Easter Eggs