Saturday, January 14, 2012

Oooo how we love October!

It is certainly NO secret that I love October, and Halloween is my favorite holiday. Candy, costumes, parties, and lots of sunshine. Hard not to love this time of year.

Ashlyn was mastering her bike skills, while Austin tried to master walking. By the end of the month we finally had the hang of both. Our summer tans faded, but the hustle and bustle of Fall kept us fully entertained. We picked and carved pumpkins, went on a hayride, had apple cider slushies, was in costume as often as regular clothes, and ate a few too many candy corn pumpkins (YUM).

At our house you'll likely find us making pumpkin stain glass windows, singing Halloween songs, baking pumpkin bread, taking wagon rides up to the pond, and having dance parties. Not sure who likes to dance and be silly more, Austin, Ashlyn or mommy! Daddy thinks we are weird, but we love being silly. Austin is my little boogie king, he's moving and grooving all the time......i LOVE it!

Road Warrior

Ashlyn's buddies Caroline and Cole in the corn maze

LOLCP Barn and Bunk Field Trip (making a scarecrow)

Princess Ashlyn, First trip to Windmill Farm

Hayride through the woods with Faith and Christian (so fun)

13 months.....And He's Off

I have a climber! His favorite pastime is pulling all the books off the shelf

Why not, the Dryer seems fun

Climbing and keeping busy as usual

Ashlyn's preschool Halloween party (she was sleeping beauty)

LOLCP Halloween Party 2011

Hanging out with dad while celebrating Mimi's birthday

My sweet as an apple Snow White (and doll), showing off her Jack O' Lantern

Halloween Day

My Zoo Crew ready for Trick or Treat

Cutest Zebra in Town!

Daddy duty- pulling the wagon through the neighborhood

That is one sweet Cheetah!

We made it around the whole loop, running, I think she likes trick or treating

I LOVE being a stay at home mom, a job I wouldn't trade for the world. It is one of the hardest, and sometimes most frustrating jobs in the world. But the rewards, and smiles, hugs, and "I love you's" far exceed any bad day. Nevertheless, having a little mommy time is refreshing to the mind and soul. Matt and I got the rare opportunity to travel to New Orleans (kid free) for a college friends wedding. Neither one of us had ever been to New Orleans, so it was an even more exciting trip. My first time flying without kids in 3 years, and it was awesome. I read a book, only had my purse to carry, and even snoozed on the plane. Didn't even mind the2 hour layover in Atlanta. Add to that eating, and going around town on our own terms, sleeping in, and sightseeing. I miss traveling, I miss my friends, I miss that freedom, but in the end......I missed my kids more. Was an awesome trip, but I was soooo happy to be home after it all.

Link to Pictures: New Orleans 2011

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