Thursday, January 26, 2012

Old Turkeys, New Turkeys, and Tasty Turkeys

Not sure what I am more proud of......the fact that my sharp, gorgeous, amazing Grandma hit 90 years old, or the fact that we pulled off a huge surprise party for her. Dad came to me in the summer wanting to put together a surprise party for Bob and Grandma in Missouri. I took the task and ran with it. I think Grandma would have been surprised walking into a room with all her family, let alone 50 other close friends and family members.

Grandma loves her ice cold coke, so I went with the Classic Coca Cola theme. Seeing as she is a classic, timeless woman. We told her we wanted to surprise dad with a professional photo of her for Christmas and we needed she and Bob to get all dressed up and go to the Lion's Club for the portraits. When she walked in, she was literally speechless seeing old and new friends, her only child, and all of her grandkids saying happy birthday. The party was Fabulous- yummy food, easy going music, homemade jelly, and family portraits.

The smile never left her face. The party meant more to her than any of us could have ever imagined. She still gets excited when she talks about it. It was certainly a Classic event! And I am so glad my children got to visit Rolla, even though i'm sure they will not remember it. A lot of childhood memories for me in that small town, hopefully she will live 10 more years so they can make their own childhood memories there.

Hanging out at Grandma England's House

Laughter at Great Grandma's

Steak and Shake with the Birthday Girl

I am not sure what depresses me more.... the fact that I can't remember what all milestones my children attained in November, or the fact that I can't remember what was going on 3 months ago. Man my memory has turned to mush since I had babies. I used to remember everything, and now I can't remember what I did a week ago. Thankfully I take lots of pictures.

Painting with our Hands and Feet

Looking like quite the little Lady

No more Crawling for Austin

My Little Cuddle Monkey

Doing Big Boy Things

Thanksgiving started out with a feast at Preschool. Was adorable watching the kids sing turkey songs all dressed up (brings back my own childhood memories of wearing paper bag vests), and talking about being Thankful. Ashlyn wrote on her school papers that she was thankful for "Mommy, Daddy, Austin and Bailey". Made me smile, especially when I saw other kids wrote things like "my bicycle", or "pizza".

We then shared a busy Thanksgiving Day with both families. Spent the morning and afternoon with Matt's parents, and then headed over to my dad's house for dinner. Justen, Jenn, Ashley and Nick all came to town, so it was nice having family in town this year. I am always thankful for the blessings in my life like our parents, health, friends, being home with my kids. But when I dig deep, I am thankful for being who I am. I feel like I have matured leaps and bounds in the years since my mom passed away. I have learned what in life really seems important, and I focus more on the big stuff and less on the mundane things. I am proud and thankful of WHO I AM, and who my parents helped me to be!

Ashlyn's 3 year old Preschool Class

Ashlyn and Caroline

Gobble Gobble!

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